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AIRFEED pneumatic feeding – you should know

Pneumatic feeding (known as AIRFEED at TEWE) involves the transportation of the feed by air to individual animals or groups of animals. It is among the most innovative feeding technologies in livestock farming: customisable, efficient, economical, and fully automated with optimal hygiene and needs-based dosing.
More product informationGroup feeding for rearing and fattening with AIRFEED

In the fattening stage, large groups of animals of different weights need to be fed. Group feeding with Airfeed allows all animals to gorge on feed undisturbed. The feed is dispensed in several small portions, one after another. Once the stronger animals are sated, the smaller animals also receive adequate feed.
More product informationSow feeding with AIRFEED

The farrowing area demands high milk production and farrowing rates from the sow in order to ensure all requirements are optimally met. Airfeed sow feeding is key in ensuring optimal provision of feed to sows, guaranteeing sufficient milk production, farrowing rates and weight-loss minimisation after farrowing.
More product informationStraw, pellets and CCM with AIRFEED

Natural feedstuffs and manipulable materials are gaining ever-greater significance when it comes to animal welfare. With the fully automatic, comfortable solutions for providing animals with roughage and manipulable materials such as straw, straw pellets and CCM via Airfeed, welfare and economic efficiency are not mutually exclusive.
More product informationDry feeding – you should know

TEWE has been supplying dry feeding systems for livestock for over 40 years. The product is well developed, tried and tested, precise, reliable, long-lasting and easy to use: Technology, utility and reliability in livestock feeding built on advanced control technology.TE
More product informationAdditive dosing – dry

With its additive dosing system, TEWE offers time-saving feeding concepts for the use of additives in large herds and proves this every day in many different large barns. This is made possible with innovative technology, professional control technology and tried-and-tested practical expertise.
More product informationGroup feeding – dry

In the most commonly used form of housing, large groups of sows, piglets and fattening pigs must be supplied with feed. TEWE dry feeding is a well-developed, tried-and-tested, precise, reliable and long-lasting solution which just keeps on running, no matter which of the planet’s climate zones it’s used in.
More product informationPhase feeding – dry

TEWE phase feeding provides each animal with its own “feed curve”, whereby different types of feed are provided according to a customised feeding plan. This comes with all the benefits of dry feeding.
More product informationSow feeding – dry

In order to achieve strong farrowing performance, the sow needs to produce a lot of milk so that it can provide optimal nutrition for its piglets. With TEWE dry feeding technology, sow farmers have access to advanced technology at an affordable price.
More product informationPiglet feeding – dry

Small piglets have the desire to eat the feed themselves. TEWE offers various solutions for this with its dry feeding systems. When it comes to piglet feeding, the right feed mixture, high quality and stringent hygiene standards are decisive.
More product informationStraw and pellet bedding
TEWE has developed fully integrated feeding solutions which render the laborious manual scattering of straw/pellet bedding unnecessary while boosting animal welfare. These systems help improve feed utilisation, health and social acceptance while ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
More product informationLiquid feeding – you should know

Liquid feed offers added nutrient absorption, boosts the animals’ weight gain and allows their development to be controlled. Liquid feeding systems also allow the most variation in terms of feed composition.Li
More product informationNo-residue feeding – liquid

Many years of practical experience and increasing hygiene requirements have led to the development of “no-residue feeding”. It ensures that all of the feed is consumed and no food waste or residues are left in the pipes or the feeding system.
More product informationSensor feeding – liquid

With liquid sensor feeding, the powerful CAN-bus-based feeding computer shows what it’s capable of: no other feeding method offers such a good ratio of feed use to fattening results. With sensor-controlled ad libitum liquid feeding, expertise and innovative technology clearly prove their worth.
More product informationMobile feeding – liquid

TEWE has developed a practical and flexible solution which is especially suited to smaller farms or farms with frequently changing concepts. At such farms, permanently installed feeding systems tend to be impractical, and mobile liquid feeding is a much more efficient way of ensuring healthy, well-fed piglets, calves and lambs.
More product informationTransmission line feeding – liquid

This liquid feeding solution is based on the core principle of all feeding concepts, which means it’s incredibly easy to use, provided that the group size and stall concept are appropriate. Various pipe rinsing methods meet the essential hygiene standards.
More product informationSow feeding – liquid

Feeding sows requires attentiveness, as it is pivotal for the health and productivity of sows and piglets. Energy needs, protein content, water supply, individual traits of the animals and other goal-oriented criteria need to be considered.
More product informationPiglet feeding – liquid

Piglets have a natural need to consume liquid food, as this is similar to rearing them on sow's milk. Therefore, high-quality liquid feed with the right composition enables optimal digestion and maximum performance capability.
More product informationSuckling pig feeding – liquid

When rearing pigs, it is essential to look out for the welfare of the sows and the sucklings. If the sows have received optimal care and farrowed, TEWE recommends feeding the baby piglet from its first day of life. On one hand, this improves the litter weaning weight. On the other, it allows even weak piglets to receive adequate feed.
More product informationGroup feeding – liquid

Liquid feeding is particularly suitable for the fattening stage to increase nutrient absorption and maximising the pigs’ weight gain. Extensive variations in feed composition; diverse control programs for the various feeding methods; highest hygiene standards.
More product informationInsect feeding – you should know

TEWE has implemented its tried-and-tested feeding solutions in solutions for insect breeding and fattening as well as algae propagation, tailoring its practice-oriented expertise to the special requirements in these areas. As a result, those operating in this business can count on TEWE’s powerful, reliable dry and liquid feeding technology. At the heart of these systems is the integrated control technology for reliable, gapless process and data management.
More product informationInsect feeding – What does the system need to be capable of?

Since insect fattening became partly allowed in the EU, TEWE has been receiving an increasing number of enquiries about suitable system concepts. We are most commonly asked about the technical requirements of a system. You can find the answers to this here.
More product informationInsect liquid feeding

It has mostly been possible to adapt our well-developed, tried-and-tested expertise in liquid feeding technology to insect fattening and algae propagation. This has given TEWE a head-start, allowing it to take a leading role in insect farming from the outset, with documentable processes, high hygiene standards and drip-free feed dispensing.
More product informationInsect dry feeding

As a basic technology for insect fattening, TEWE has taken its robust, reliable and precisely controllable dry feeding technology from livestock feeding and perfectly adapted it to the demands of insect fattening. Its special features are dry dispensing of minute quantities and documentation of all processes.
More product informationOn-demand feeding – you should know

The real measurable added value of on-demand feeding becomes immediately apparent when taking a holistic view of complete feeding management Needs-based feeding utilises nearly every innovative technology currently available to feed pigs in an ultra-efficient, resource-saving manner for optimal results.
More product informationSingle-animal feeding – on demand

With on-demand single-animal feeding, each animal receives its personal dose of feed precisely when it becomes hungry. The animals can actively retrieve their own food, whereas in other feeding systems, they simply receive their portions at set times.
More product informationSorting gate – on demand

The sorting gate is used to measure each animal individually, documenting and monitoring all relevant data. This prevents weight differences within the group and false weight estimates at the time of sale.
More product informationManual/automatic animal scales (on demand)

In farm management, it is essential to reliably record and document the weights of the animals, whether it be to identify developmental issues or ensure the correct slaughter weight. TEWE offers simple manual and fully automatic solutions for this – and they’re all reliable.
More product informationAnimal welfare – you should know

In the broader sense, animal welfare is about the wellbeing of livestock with respect to their environment, health and nutrition. In line with the introduction of innovative technologies, our TEWE solutions help meet this important requirement in many different ways.
More product informationRaw feed and pellet bedding – animal welfare

Husbandry methods suitable for livestock can be implemented with the automated supply of raw feed or pellet bedding, for example. This bedding can be integrated into the pre-existing feeding technology and centrally controlled using the TEWE feeding computer.
More product informationStraw bedding – animal welfare

Husbandry methods suitable for livestock can be implemented with the automated scattering of straw or other fibrous materials, for example. This bedding can be integrated into the existing feeding technology and centrally controlled using the feeding computer.
More product informationControls für grinding and mixing technology

Anyone seeking to reap the benefits of self-produced feed needs a powerful grinding and mixing unit. TEWE supplies these in a package with comprehensive software for secure control of complex systems.
More product informationTEWE controls – you should know

All of the electrical technology and software control for the solutions offered by TEWE is developed in house. It is custom-programmed according to the needs of the customer and takes into account the specific situation and desires on the relevant site. TEWE provides a “one-stop service” here, with planning, manufacture, assembly, commissioning, maintenance and service from a single source.
More product informationControl for dry feeding

In the 1980s, TEWE became a pioneer by introducing modern control technology to dry feeding, thus establishing itself as a market leader, which it has remained as to this day. Innovative technology for the benefit of optimised feeding technology and efficient farm management remains the company’s focus on the path to autonomous feeding solutions.
More product informationControl for liquid feed

Built on 40 years of feeding experience, TEWE standard software ensures the mixing of homogeneous feed structures, controls the pump technology and precisely distributes feed to individual animals or group – and all of this reliable, trouble-free, and tried and tested.
More product informationControls for pneumatic feeding

For our Airfeed solutions, with their demanding, yet smooth-running control processes, our IT department attached great importance to minimal mixing batches, single-gram precision, customisation for single animals or groups, and automatic liquefaction of dry feed before trough entry. Perfect!
More product informationControls – Dosing Technology

TEWE dosing technology is specialised for professional self-production of feed by the farmer, which is equal in quality to feed purchased from mixed fodder factories: precise and controlled with immaculate hygiene.
More product informationGrinding and mixing computer controls

Anyone seeking to reap the benefits of self-produced feed needs powerful a grinding and mixing unit. TEWE supplies these in a package with comprehensive software for secure control of complex systems.
More product informationControls – PLC

Programmable logic controllers (PLC) have been an integrated performance component of TEWE IT for over 20 years, and now they’re indispensable in the automation of processes for biogas plants, hygienisation or storage and retrieval, as well as a variety of drying processes for grain and other goods.
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